Disable Mission NPC

Getting a Job for House Robbery

  • Remove the NPC:

    • To disable the NPC, set the cfg.missionNPCs table in data/npcs.lua to an empty table.

  • Get a Job:

    • Use the server event below to receive a house robbery job from another resource. Here are some examples:

-- Example 1: Basic usage (no source and no options)

-- Example 2: With a target player's server ID (e.g., 42)
TriggerServerEvent('rm_houserobbery:server:createJob', 42)

-- Example 3: With options only (no specific source)
TriggerServerEvent('rm_houserobbery:server:createJob', nil, {
    ignorePoliceCount = true,
    ignorePlayerCooldown = true,
    ignoreGlobalCooldown = false

-- Example 4: With both a source and options
TriggerServerEvent('rm_houserobbery:server:createJob', 42, {
    ignorePoliceCount = false,
    ignorePlayerCooldown = true

These examples show different ways to call the event, depending on your needs. Adjust the parameters as necessary for your specific use case.

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