How to Translate Your Script

Translating your script into different languages is made easy by modifying the config.lua file. Follow the steps below to customize the language settings using the Strings object within the config.lua.

Step 1: Locate the config.lua File

  • Access Your Server Files:

    • Connect to your server via FTP or use your file manager.

    • Navigate to the directory where your script is located.

  • Open config.lua:

    • Find and open the config.lua file using a text editor (e.g., Notepad++, VS Code).

Step 2: Find the Strings Object

Within the config.lua file, locate the Strings object. This object contains all the text strings used in the script that you can translate.


Strings = {
    ["welcomeMessage"] = "Welcome to our server!",
    ["errorMessage"] = "An error has occurred. Please try again.",
    -- Add more strings here

Step 3: Translate the Strings

  • Identify the Text Strings:

    • Review the Strings object to see which text strings are used in the script.

  • Translate Each String:

    • Replace the English text (or the default language) with your desired translation. Ensure that the syntax remains correct.

Example of Translation:

Strings = {
    welcomeMessage = "Bienvenido a nuestro servidor!", -- Spanish translation
    errorMessage = "Se ha producido un error. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.", -- Spanish translation
    -- Add more translations here

Save Your Changes:

  • After translating the strings, save the config.lua file.

Step 4: Apply the Translation

  • Restart Your Server:

    • To apply the new translations, restart your server.

  • Test the Script:

    • Verify that the translated text appears correctly in your server's interface and messages.


  • Text Not Displaying: Ensure that the config.lua file is correctly edited and saved. Double-check for any syntax errors.

  • Incorrect Translations: Review the translations for accuracy and context. Make sure the translated strings fit the intended use.

Additional Tips

  • Backup Before Editing: Always back up your original config.lua file before making changes.

  • Use Online Translation Tools: If you're not fluent in the target language, consider using online translation tools or services for assistance.

Last updated