Vehicle Mods

You can set the models and modifications of the vehicles. You can find the link of the charger car mod we used in the video in the discord channel and activate its modification by removing the comment

vehicles = { -- do not change vehicle count
    [1] = { 
        model = 'dukes2', 
        position = vector4(438.44, -1026.13, 28.42, 8.34),
        -- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
        minigame = "default", 
        setVehicleProperties = function(vehicle)
            -- If you add the vehicle from the video, you can automatically modify it by removing it from the comment line.
            -- setVehicleProperties(vehicle, chargerMods)

            -- You can create your own modifications using natives.
            -- natives...
    [2] = { 
        model = 'dukes2', 
        position = vector4(445.64, -1024.84, 28.27, 10.55),
        -- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
        minigame = "default", 
        setVehicleProperties = function(vehicle)
            -- If you add the vehicle from the video, you can automatically modify it by removing it from the comment line.
            -- setVehicleProperties(vehicle, chargerMods)

            -- You can create your own modifications using natives.
            -- natives...
    [3] = { 
        model = 'insurgent2', 
        position = vector4(453.89, -1023.2, 28.37, 50.72),
        -- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
        minigame = "default", 
        setVehicleProperties = function(vehicle)
            -- vehicle properties

Last updated