Configuration Guide
Welcome to the configuration section of Drugs V: Laboratories! This page will guide you through setting up and customizing the script to fit your server's needs.
Weed Lab
gathering = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the gathering process
["plant_spray"] = 1,
removeItem = false, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = {
coords = vector3(1057.61, -3196.85, -39.16),
offset = vector3(-0.9, 0.1, -1.18),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
coords = vector3(1060.54, -3193.35, -39.16),
offset = vector3(-0.9, 0.1, -1.18),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 180.0)
coords = vector3(1056.25, -3192.8, -39.16),
offset = vector3(-0.9, 0.1, -1.18),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 270.0)
coords = vector3(1053.94, -3195.96, -39.16),
offset = vector3(-0.9, 0.1, -1.18),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
itemName = "weed_bud", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 1, -- Item count to add to the player inventory
packing = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the pack process
["weed_bud"] = 1,
["empty_package"] = 1,
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = {
coords = vector3(1039.2, -3205.11, -38.17),
offset = vector3(-0.76, 0.87, -0.98),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
coords = vector3(1037.52, -3205.37, -38.17),
offset = vector3(0.76, 0.70, -0.98),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0)
coords = vector3(1034.67, -3205.44, -38.17),
offset = vector3(-0.76, 0.87, -0.98),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
coords = vector3(1032.95, -3205.49, -38.17),
offset = vector3(0.76, 0.70, -0.98),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0)
coords = vector3(1034.15, -3203.81, -38.17),
offset = vector3(-0.65, 0.79, -0.98),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
itemName = "weed_packed", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 1 -- Item count to add to the player inventory
Meth Lab
multiProcess = false, -- If true, more than one person can do the stages
cooking = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the cooking process
["meth_ammonia"] = 1,
["meth_sacid"] = 1,
hcacidItemName = "meth_hcacid",
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
baseMixtureAmount = 1, -- number of items given upon completing the mixture. (final amount will depend on the quality.)
qualityMultiplier = 1.5, -- multiplier for the quality of the mixture. (final amount = baseMixtureAmount + ((quality / 20) * qualityMultiplier))
uniqueOrder = true, -- If true, the amounts will be different for each user. If false, the amounts in the orderlist will be for each user.
uniqueOrderList = {
ammonia = 65, -- range -> 1 - 100
hcacid = 30, -- range -> 1 - 100
sacid = 10, -- range -> 1 - 100
orderTolerance = 5, -- tolerance for the order amounts
coords = vector3(1005.74, -3200.39, -38.52),
offset = vector3(5.0, 2.0, -0.40),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
itemName = "mext_mixture", -- Item name to be given after the process
furnace = {
coords = vector3(1002.83, -3200.05, -38.99),
uniqueHeat = true, -- If true, everyone's temperature will be different.
uniqueHeatLevel = 63, -- If uniqueHeat is false, this temperature will be valid for everyone
temperatureRange = {40, 80}, -- random temperature value will be assigned between these two values
temperatureTolerance = 7, -- tolerance for the temperature
temperatureAttempts = 3, -- number of attempts player has to get the correct temperature
cookTime = 0.5, -- (minutes)
explosionDamage = 100, -- Explosion damage when the temperature is exceeded
mixer = {
coords = vector3(1004.19, -3196.5, -38.99),
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the mixing process
["lithium"] = 1,
["phosphorus"] = 1,
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
baseBeakerAmount = 1, -- number of items given upon completing the beaker. (final amount will depend on the quality.)
qualityMultiplier = 2, -- multiplier for the quality of the beaker. (final amount = baseBeakerAmount + ((quality / 20) * qualityMultiplier))
uniqueReaction = true, -- If true, the amounts will be different for each user. If false, the amounts in the reactionList will be for each user.
reactionList = {
phosphorus = 3, -- range -> 1 - 10
lithium = 1, -- range -> 1 - 10
orderTolerance = 2, -- If the difference between the order and the player's mixture is less than this value, the quality will be higher.
itemName = "meth_beaker", -- Item name to be given after the process
tray = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the tray process
["meth_mixture"] = 1,
["meth_beaker"] = 1,
["empty_tray"] = 1,
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
maxTrayAmount = 3, -- Maximum number of trays that can be placed
coolingTime = 0.5, -- (minutes) time it takes for the tray to cool down
coords = vector3(1007.86, -3195.07, -38.99),
itemName = "meth_tray", -- Item name to be given after the process
itemCount = 1 -- Number of items to be given
hammer = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the hammer process
["meth_tray"] = 1,
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = vector3(1016.44, -3194.87, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-3.16, -1.75, -1.0),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
itemName = { -- Item name to be given after the process [itemName] = itemAmount
["meth_crystal"] = 12,
["empty_tray"] = 1
packing = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the packing process [itemName] = itemAmount
["meth_crystal"] = 6,
["empty_package"] = 6
removeItem = true,
coords = vector3(1012.07, -3194.95, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-4.71, -1.52, -1.0),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
itemName = "meth_packed", -- Item name to be given after the process
itemCount = 6 -- Number of items to be given
Coke Lab
unpacking = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the unpacking process
["powdered_milk"] = 1
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = {
coords = vector3(1088.61, -3195.95, -38.99),
offset = vector3(0.09, 0.57, -0.65),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
coords = vector3(1097.01, -3195.63, -38.99),
offset = vector3(0.09, 0.57, -0.65),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0)
itemName = "coke_pile", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 3 -- Item count to add to the player inventory
cutting = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the cut process
["coke_pile"] = 1
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = {
coords = vector3(1090.27, -3194.92, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
coords = vector3(1093.12, -3194.93, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
coords = vector3(1095.41, -3194.92, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
coords = vector3(1090.37, -3196.59, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0)
coords = vector3(1093.03, -3196.58, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0)
coords = vector3(1095.43, -3196.58, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0)
coords = vector3(1099.54, -3194.33, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0)
coords = vector3(1101.75, -3193.67, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-1.91, -0.32, -0.64),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0)
itemName = "cutted_coke", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 6 -- Item count to add to the player inventory
packing = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the pack process
["cutted_coke"] = 6
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = vector3(1101.245, -3198.82, -38.99),
offset = vector3(-7.66, 2.17, -1.0),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
itemName = "coke_packed", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 12 -- Item count to add to the player inventory
Acid Lab
bottling = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the bottling process
["empty_bottle"] = 6
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = vector3(484.33, -2626.08, -49.06),
offset = vector3(0.4, 1.1, -1.0),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
itemName = "acid_bottle", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 6 -- Item count to add to the player inventory
packing = {
requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the pack process
["acid_bottle"] = 6,
removeItem = true, -- Remove the required items after the process
coords = vector3(488.73, -2624.39, -48.66),
offset = vector3(-3.63, 0.26, -1.35),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
itemName = "acid", -- Item name to add to the player inventory
itemCount = 6 -- Item count to add to the player inventory
Config.general = {
-- bucket = 5000,
fallbackCoords = vector3(299.79, -579.98, 43.26),
Config.stashSettings = {
maxSlot = 20,
maxWeight = 20000
Config.labs = {
emptyLab = {
camCoords = {
startCoords = vector4(1065.79, -3181.6, -38.22, 147.71),
endCoords = vector4(1050.33, -3204.05, -38.22, 96.67),
startCoords = vector4(1031.45, -3205.58, -37.34, 274.5),
endCoords = vector4(1062.12, -3204.53, -37.84, 34.79),
labs = {
labName = "Empty Lab No.1",
price = 100000,
enterCoords = vector3(1108.84, -2256.84, 30.94),
exitCoords = vector3(1066.0, -3183.48, -39.16),
stashCoords = vector3(1039.13, -3196.01, -38.17)
cokeLab = {
camCoords = {
startCoords = vector4(1087.86, -3188.51, -38.11, 203.0),
endCoords = vector4(1102.13, -3195.99, -38.11, 91.74),
startCoords = vector4(1102.13, -3195.99, -38.11, 91.74),
endCoords = vector4(1086.89, -3195.64, -38.11, 91.74),
labs = {
labName = "Coke Lab No.1",
price = 100000,
enterCoords = vector3(809.84, -490.93, 30.63),
exitCoords = vector3(1088.56, -3188.12, -39.0),
stashCoords = vector3(1087.15, -3197.81, -38.99),
methLab = {
camCoords = {
startCoords = vector4(998.21, -3198.98, -36.59, 271.30),
endCoords = vector4(1016.19, -3201.78, -36.59, 62.79),
startCoords = vector4(1016.19, -3201.78, -36.59, 62.79),
endCoords = vector4(999.77, -3194.49, -36.59, 245.62),
labs = {
labName = "Meth Lab No.1",
price = 100000,
enterCoords = vector3(1189.94, 2651.22, 37.84),
exitCoords = vector3(996.89, -3200.64, -36.39),
stashCoords = vector3(1003.22, -3194.96, -38.99),
acidLab = {
camCoords = {
startCoords = vector4(480.92, -2624.96, -48.62, 266.71),
endCoords = vector4(488.71, -2625.01, -48.62, 270.92),
labs = {
labName = "Acid Lab No.1",
price = 100000,
enterCoords = vector3(101.14, 3652.63, 40.43),
exitCoords = vector3(482.22, -2623.8, -49.06),
stashCoords = vector3(481.1, -2625.7, -48.66),
weedLab = {
camCoords = {
startCoords = vector4(1065.79, -3181.6, -38.22, 147.71),
endCoords = vector4(1050.33, -3204.05, -38.22, 96.67),
startCoords = vector4(1031.45, -3205.58, -37.34, 274.5),
endCoords = vector4(1062.12, -3204.53, -37.84, 34.79),
labs = {
labName = "Weed Lab No.1",
price = 100000,
enterCoords = vector3(951.24, -1711.76, 30.92),
exitCoords = vector3(1066.0, -3183.48, -39.1),
stashCoords = vector3(1039.13, -3196.01, -38.17)
Last updated