Target Options Configuration

In the config.lua file, you can configure which targeting system your script will use. The available options are qtarget, qb-target, ox_target, and default (ShowHelpNotification). Follow the instructions below to set your preferred targeting option.

Step 1: Selecting Your Target Option

Locate the target section in your config.lua or cfg.lua file. This section controls which targeting system is active.

Configuration Options:

-- WARNING: Default mode will consume more ms. This option may cause performance loss!
targetScript = 'default', -- Target script name (qtarget or qb-target or ox_target or default (for showhelpnotification))


If you choose qtarget, ensure you have the corresponding integration set up.

  • Set the target option in config.lua:

-- WARNING: Default mode will consume more ms. This option may cause performance loss!
targetScript = 'qtarget', -- Target script name (qtarget or qb-target or ox_target or default (for showhelpnotification))
  • Ensure that qtarget is correctly installed and started on your server.


If you choose qb-target, ensure you have the corresponding integration set up.

  • Set the target option in config.lua:

-- WARNING: Default mode will consume more ms. This option may cause performance loss!
targetScript = 'qb-target', -- Target script name (qtarget or qb-target or ox_target or default (for showhelpnotification))
  • Ensure that qb-targetis correctly installed and started on your server.


If you choose ox_target, ensure you have the corresponding integration set up.

  • Set the target option in config.lua:

-- WARNING: Default mode will consume more ms. This option may cause performance loss!
targetScript = 'ox_target', -- Target script name (qtarget or qb-target or ox_target or default (for showhelpnotification))
  • Ensure that ox_targetis correctly installed and started on your server.

default (ShowHelpNotification)

The default option will display help notifications instead of using an advanced targeting system.

  • Set the target option in config.lua:

-- WARNING: Default mode will consume more ms. This option may cause performance loss!
targetScript = 'default', -- Target script name (qtarget or qb-target or ox_target or default (for showhelpnotification))
  • This option does not require additional setup beyond ensuring that the ShowHelpNotification functionality is properly implemented in your script.

Step 2: Applying the Configuration

  • Save the Changes:

    • After selecting your desired target system, save the changes to your config.lua file.

  • Restart Your Server:

    • Restart your server to apply the new configuration.

  • Test the Targeting System:

    • Verify that the selected targeting system is working as expected. Test interactions and ensure that the functionality matches the chosen option.


  • Targeting System Not Working: Ensure that the chosen target system is installed and correctly configured. Double-check your config.lua file for typos.

  • Interactions Not Displaying: Verify that the integration with the target system is correctly set up and that there are no conflicts with other resources.

Last updated