Framework Selection and Configuration

After purchasing your script, follow these steps to configure the framework:

  • Open the Config.lua File

    • Locate and open the config.lua file in the main directory of your script using a text editor.

  • Select Your Framework

    • In the config.lua file, find the section where you need to specify your framework. Make the following adjustments:

Config.framework = {
    name = 'ESX',                       -- Only ESX or QB.
    scriptName = 'es_extended',         -- Framework script name work framework exports. (Example: qb-core or es_extended)
  • Set the framework value to:

    • 'ESX' if you are using ESX

    • 'QB' if you are using QBCore

    • 'STANDALONE' if the script supports standalone mode

  • Set the scriptName value to:

    • 'es_extended' for ESX

    • 'qb-core' for QBCore

Configure For Old ESX/QBCore

  • If you are using an older version of ESX or QBCore, adjust the eventName section as follows:

-- Old ESX/QBCore settings
eventName = 'esx:getSharedObject',  -- 'esx:getSharedObject' for ESX or 'QBCore:GetObject' for QBCore
  • Set the eventName value to:

    • 'esx:getSharedObject' for old ESX

    • 'QBCore:GetObject' for old QBCore

  • If you are using a newer version of ESX or QBCore, you do not need to modify the eventName setting.

  • Save and Restart

    • Save your changes to the config.lua file and restart your server to apply the new settings.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that the script is properly configured for your chosen framework. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please refer to our support documentation or join our Discord server.

Last updated