Welcome to the configuration section of Drugs V: Money Laundering! This page will guide you through setting up and customizing the script to fit your server's needs.
Config.general = {
-- bucket = 5000,
fallbackCoords = vector3(299.79, -579.98, 43.26),
useOwnerCommission = true, -- If true, the owner can set the commission rate. if false, the commission rate will be set in the config.
useVaultMoney = true, -- If true, you can launder money using the money in the vault.
maxCommision = 40, -- Maximum commission rate (percentage).
blipOptions = {
showBlips = true, -- If set to false, it can only see the business blips it owns.
sprite = 500,
color = 4,
ownColor = 2,
scale = 0.8,
Config.labs = {
camCoords = {
startCoords = vector4(1138.71, -3197.59, -38.22, 60.78),
endCoords = vector4(1116.81, -3195.7, -38.68, 265.5),
labs = {
labName = "Laundry No.1",
price = 100000, -- lab price
moneyConvertPercentage = 100.0, -- How much of the dirty money should the lab owner convert into clean money from the cash register
commisionRate = 10.0, -- If the useOwnerCommission option is false, the commission amount here will be valid.
enterCoords = vector3(84.04, -1551.96, 29.6),
exitCoords = vector3(1138.0, -3198.96, -39.68),
manageCoords = vector3(1129.56, -3194.22, -40.4),