How to Update Your Asset

Keeping your assets up-to-date via FiveM Keymaster ensures that you have the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes. Follow these steps to smoothly update your asset:

Step 1: Backup Your Current Version

Before updating, it's crucial to back up your current version in case you need to revert to it later.

  • Server Files: Copy your current asset folder to a safe location on your server.

  • Database (if applicable): Export your current database or relevant tables.

Step 2: Access FiveM Keymaster

  • Go to the FiveM Keymaster website.

  • Log in with the credentials you used to purchase or manage your assets.

Step 3: Download the Latest Version

  • Navigate to the "Granted Assets" section.

  • Find the asset you want to update and click on it.

  • Download the latest version of the asset to an easily accessible location on your computer.

Step 4: Review the Changelog

  • Check the Changelog file included with the update or available on the Keymaster page.

  • Note any changes that might require you to update your configuration or other scripts.

Step 5: Replace the Old Files

  • Delete or replace the old asset files on your server with the new ones you downloaded from Keymaster.

    • Important: Do not overwrite your config.lua or cfg.lua files unless the update specifically requires it.

  • If the asset includes a config.lua or similar file, compare it with your old version to merge any new settings.

Step 6: Update Database (if necessary)

  • If the update requires database changes, follow the instructions provided in the update notes.

  • Run any provided SQL scripts to update your database structure.

Step 7: Restart Your Server

  • After replacing the files and updating the database (if needed), restart your server to apply the update.

  • Check the server console for any errors during startup.

Step 8: Test the Asset

  • Once the server is running, thoroughly test the updated asset to ensure everything works as expected.

  • Verify that new features or fixes are functioning correctly.


If you encounter any issues after updating:

  • Review the installation and update instructions again.

  • Check for any missing dependencies or configuration errors.

  • Contact support if you need further assistance.

Stay Updated

  • Regularly check for updates on FiveM Keymaster to ensure you always have the latest version.

  • Join our Discord Server for update notifications.

Last updated