Configuration Guide
Welcome to the configuration section of Drugs V: Goods Deal! This page will guide you through setting up and customizing the script to fit your server's needs.
phoneItem = "dealer_phone",
customerChances = { -- the sum of the two must equal 100
["normal"] = 99.2,
["offer"] = 0.8
useChanceSystem = false, -- If it is true, the sum of luck of all items must be equal to 100, otherwise it will not work!
randomTimeRange = {1, 2}, -- min, max (minutes)
customerWait = 3, -- minutes
sellableItems = {
["weed_kush_pack"] = {
chanceRate = 25.0,
count = function() return math.random(1, 5) end,
offerCount = function() return math.random(15, 25) end,
price = function() return math.random(100, 200) end,
offerPrice = function() return math.random(1000, 2000) end,
["weed_haze_pack"] = {
chanceRate = 25.0,
count = function() return math.random(1, 5) end,
offerCount = function() return math.random(15, 25) end,
price = function() return math.random(100, 200) end,
offerPrice = function() return math.random(1000, 2000) end,
["coke_packed"] = {
chanceRate = 25.0,
count = function() return math.random(1, 5) end,
offerCount = function() return math.random(15, 25) end,
price = function() return math.random(100, 200) end,
offerPrice = function() return math.random(1000, 2000) end,
["meth_packed"] = {
chanceRate = 14.9,
count = function() return math.random(1, 5) end,
offerCount = function() return math.random(15, 25) end,
price = function() return math.random(100, 200) end,
offerPrice = function() return math.random(1000, 2000) end,
["heroin_packed"] = {
chanceRate = 10.1,
count = function() return math.random(1, 5) end,
offerCount = function() return math.random(15, 25) end,
price = function() return math.random(100, 200) end,
offerPrice = function() return math.random(1000, 2000) end,
pedModels = {
'a_m_m_beach_01', 'a_m_m_business_01', 'a_m_m_eastsa_01', 'a_m_m_farmer_01', 'a_m_m_genfat_01',
'a_m_m_hillbilly_01', 'a_m_m_indian_01', 'a_m_m_mexcntry_01', 'a_m_m_og_boss_01',
'a_m_m_paparazzi_01', 'a_m_m_salton_01', 'a_m_m_soucent_01','a_m_m_street_01',
'a_m_m_trampbeac_01', 'a_m_m_tramp_01', 'a_m_m_tourist_01',
'a_m_o_beach_01', 'a_m_o_genstreet_01', 'a_f_m_beach_01',
'a_f_m_ktown_01', 'a_f_m_soucent_01', 's_f_y_hooker_01',
'a_f_m_tramp_01', 'a_f_m_tourist_01', 'a_f_o_genstreet_01',
's_f_y_clubbar_01', 'u_f_y_danceburl_01', 'u_f_o_carol',
'g_f_y_ballas_01', 'g_f_y_vagos_01', 'g_m_importexport_01',
customerCoords = {
vector4(137.543, -1258.047, 29.447, 212.784),
vector4(335.738, -1243.370, 30.585, 165.31),
vector4(495.936, -1518.294, 29.289, 19.937),
vector4(820.951, -759.968, 26.727, 113.404),
vector4(499.241, -635.294, 24.855, 264.479),
vector4(17.249, -604.684, 31.763, 350.738),
vector4(-175.479, 3.748, 56.874, 355.303),
vector4(-1659.483, -977.032, 7.375, 20.786),
vector4(-954.672, -1503.537, 5.173, 52.54),
vector4(-1098.858, -1253.290, 5.158, 291.752),
vector4(1744.817, -1438.964, 112.299, 357.878),
vector4(2540.275, 2580.241, 37.940, 17.944),
vector4(2645.064, 4253.069, 44.782, 308.311),
vector4(-195.247, 6533.767, 11.097, 110.496),
vector4(108.320, 3715.500, 39.810, 100.324)
customerNames = {
['male'] = {
"James Anderson", "John Bennett", "David Clark", "Michael Davis", "Matthew Evans", "Daniel Fisher",
"Christopher Gray", "Joshua Harris", "Tyler Hill", "Kevin Jackson", "Ethan King", "Ryan Lewis",
"Joshua Martinez", "Lucas Miller", "Nathaniel Nelson", "Zachary Parker", "Benjamin Robinson",
"Alexander Scott", "Thomas Taylor", "William Young"
['female'] = {
"Emily Adams", "Sophia Bennett", "Olivia Campbell", "Mia Collins", "Ava Davis", "Isabella Evans",
"Charlotte Garcia", "Amelia Harris", "Chloe Jackson", "Harper Johnson", "Ella Lewis", "Grace Martinez",
"Aria Miller", "Lily Moore", "Mila Perez", "Scarlett Phillips", "Layla Reed", "Zoe Robinson",
"Nora Thomas", "Lucy Wilson"
messages = {
["normal"] = {
"Hey, buddy! I need %sx %s for $%s, can you help me out?",
"Hey there! How's everything going? I'm thinking of buying %sx %s for $%s, can you make that happen?",
"Yo! I need %sx %s for $%s, would you be able to get that for me?",
"Hey! I need %sx %s for $%s, can you get it to me quickly?",
"Hello! I need %sx %s for $%s, can you make sure everything's sorted?",
"Yo! I urgently need some %s, %sx for $%s, is that possible?",
"Hey! I need %sx %s for $%s, can you help me out?",
"Buddy, I need %sx %s for $%s, can you have it ready in 15 minutes?",
"Hello! I’m looking for %sx %s for $%s, can you get it for me?"
["offer"] = {
"Yo, I need %sx %s and %sx %s, can you get it to me ASAP?",
"Hey! I’m looking to buy %sx %s and %sx %s, are you able to get that sorted?",
"Hey! I’m in need of %sx %s, %sx %s, can you help me out with that?",
"Hey! I need %sx %s, %sx %s, delivered, let me know when it’s ready.",
"Yo! I’m looking for %sx %s and %sx %s, can you make that happen quickly?",
"Hey, I need %sx %s and %sx %s, can you make sure it's all ready?",
"Hello! I need %sx %s and %sx %s, can you get that to me before the end of the day?",
["accept"] = {
"Sure thing! I’ll take care of it.",
"No problem! I’ll handle it.",
"On it! You’ll have it soon.",
"Of course! I’ll prioritize this for you.",
"I'm on it! It'll be ready shortly.",
"Got it, buddy! I’ll have it ready in time.",
"I’ll take care of it! It'll be available soon.",
["decline"] = {
"Sorry, I can’t help with that right now.",
"Unfortunately, I can’t get that for you immediately.",
"I won’t be able to assist with that.",
"It’s not possible right now, but it might be later.",
"Sorry, I can’t fulfill that request at the moment.",
"I won’t be able to provide that, but we can look for another solution.",
"I can’t assist with that, but I’m happy to help with something else.",
"It’s not available at the moment, but it might be soon.",
"I don’t have the resources for that right now, would you like something else?",
["location"] = {
"Great! I’m sending my location right now.",
"Awesome! I’ll send my location shortly.",
"Perfect! I’m sending my location.",
"Wonderful! I’ll send my location now.",
"Great! My location is coming your way.",
"Nice! I’m sending my location soon.",
"Awesome, I’ll send my location right away.",
"Great! I’m sending my location now.",
blacklistVehicleClass = {
[0] = false, -- Compacts
[1] = false, -- Sedans
[2] = false, -- SUVs
[3] = false, -- Coupes
[4] = false, -- Muscle
[5] = false, -- Sports Classics
[6] = false, -- Sports
[7] = false, -- Super
[8] = true, -- Motorcycles
[9] = false, -- Off-road
[10] = false, -- Industrial
[11] = false, -- Utility
[12] = false, -- Vans
[13] = true, -- Cycles
[14] = true, -- Boats
[15] = true, -- Helicopters
[16] = true, -- Planes
[17] = true, -- Service
[18] = true, -- Emergency
[19] = true, -- Military
[20] = true, -- Commercial
[21] = true, -- Trains
[22] = true, -- Open Wheel
Last updated