OpenInput(label, 'FMMC_KEY_TIP10') string, string -> return string or '' or nil
DrawBusySpinner(label, second) string, int -> return true
Minigame(password length, live) int, int -> return true or false
GetPedMugshot(ped, transparent) ped, boolean -> return mugshot, mugshotTxdString
ShowHelpNotification(label) string (need every tick)
ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subject, msg, textureDict, textureName, icon) -> return message id
TriggerEvent('hackermod:client:notification', same as above) or TriggerClientEvent('hackermod:client:notification', source, same as above)
TriggerServerEvent('hackermod:server:sync', 'interactableObject', {type, GetEntityCoords(entity)}) -> Disable/Enable object for other players
TriggerServerEvent('hackermod:server:cash', moneyCount) -> Give money to player bank account
TriggerServerEvent('hackermod:server:addBotnet', count) -> Add botnet PC to player data
triggerCallback('hackermod:server:checkAction', function(status) end, type) -> Check action cooldown and required botnet count
keepAnimTask = true or false (Stay on phone animation)
PlaySoundFrontend(-1, audioName, audioRef, true) (Sound effects native) (