Configuration Guide
Welcome to the configuration section of Drugs V: Grow, Cook & Space! This page will guide you through setting up and customizing the script to fit your server's needs.
sqlSaveTime = 15, -- (minutes)
blacklistZones = { -- vector4(x, y, z, radius)
--vector4(325.55, -209.97, 54.09, 30.0)
requiredPackAmount = 1, -- Required amount of pack to pack
requiredWeedAmount = 1, -- Required amount of weed to pack
packWeedAmount = 1, -- Amount of weed to pack
-- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
packMinigameName = "default",
lightProps = {
["light_1"] = {
model = "qua_light_ware",
shouldRemove = true,
lightLevel = 100.0, -- Light level (0-100)
radius = 5.0, -- Radius of the light (Single or Multi Weed Pools within this radius will receive the light level).
["light_2"] = {
model = "prop_worklight_04c",
shouldRemove = true,
lightLevel = 50.0, -- Light level (0-100)
radius = 5.0, -- Radius of the light (Single or Multi Weed Pools within this radius will receive the light level).
["light_3"] = {
model = "prop_worklight_04d",
shouldRemove = true,
lightLevel = 25.0, -- Light level (0-100)
radius = 3.0, -- Radius of the light (Single or Multi Weed Pools within this radius will receive the light level).
["light_4"] = {
model = "prop_worklight_04b",
shouldRemove = true,
lightLevel = 100.0, -- Light level (0-100)
radius = 7.0, -- Radius of the light (Single or Multi Weed Pools within this radius will receive the light level).
fanProps = {
["fan_1"] = {
model = "v_res_fa_fan",
shouldRemove = true,
fanLevel = 50.0, -- Fan level (0-100)
radius = 3.0, -- Radius of the fan (Weed Dryers within this radius will receive the fan level).
["fan_2"] = {
model = "bkr_prop_weed_fan_floor_01a",
shouldRemove = true,
fanLevel = 100.0, -- Fan level (0-100)
radius = 3.0, -- Radius of the fan (Weed Dryers within this radius will receive the fan level).
["fan_3"] = {
model = "qua_weed_heather",
shouldRemove = true,
fanLevel = 25.0, -- Fan level (0-100)
radius = 3.0, -- Radius of the fan (Weed Dryers within this radius will receive the fan level).
waterTank = {
itemName = "water_tank",
shouldRemove = true,
model = "qua_watertank_general",
radius = 25.0, -- radius of the water tank (all Multi Weed Pools within this radius will have 100% water).
weedDryer = {
itemName = "weed_dryer",
shouldRemove = true,
fanTimeReducer = 1, -- (minutes) How many minutes will the fan props reduce the drying time?
maxReduce = 3, -- (minutes) maximum drying time reduction
budAmount = 10, -- Number of buds contained in a single object.
dryTime = 3, -- (minutes) How many minutes will the plant dry?
model = "qua_weed_dryer",
budModel = "qua_weed_wet",
budOffsets = { -- position of the buds in the dryer (It is not recommended to change)
vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.57),
vector3(0.33, 0.0, 0.57),
vector3(-0.35, 0.0, 0.57),
weedGenetics = {
-- lower rate indicates higher rarity.
-- (for example: if the rate of kush is 90 and the rate of haze is 10, the chance of getting kush is 90% and the chance of getting haze is 10%)
["weed_seed_1"] = { -- the sum must equal 100
["kush"] = 92.5,
["haze"] = 7.5,
["weed_seed_2"] = { -- the sum must equal 100
["kush"] = 85.5,
["haze"] = 14.5,
singlePool = {
weedAmountMultiplier = 3, -- Multiplier of the amount the plant will give according to manure, light level and health (if 3, it can take a maximum of 45 buds)
waterPerAddition = 25.0, -- Amount of water the plant will add when you water it
manurePerAddition = 25.0, -- Amount of manure the plant will add when you manure it
stage_0 = {
model = "bzzz_growing_freepot_b", -- Thanks to BzZzi for the pot.
stage_1 = {
manureHit = 20.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much manure?
waterHit = 25.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much water?
manureGrowthMultiplier = 2.0, -- Growth effect of manure (for example: growthRate + growthRate x manureGrowthMultiplier)
lightGrowthMultiplier = 1.5, -- Growth effect of light (for example: growthRate + growthRate x lightGrowthMultiplier)
growthRate = 50.4, -- What is the growth rate of the plant when it receives an update at this stage
maxGrowthRate = 50, -- Maximum growth rate
plantPerWilting = 1.5, -- How many health will decrease if the plant is deprived of water or if it is not collected
consumptionTime = 1, -- How many minutes will the plant update (it will grow by consuming products such as water, light, and manure)
waterPerConsumption = 7.0, -- How much water will the plant consume when it is updated
manurePerConsumption = 3.5, -- How much manure will the plant consume when it is updated?
model = "bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c",
stage_2 = {
manureHit = 10.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much manure?
waterHit = 15.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much water?
manureGrowthMultiplier = 2.0, -- Growth effect of manure (for example: growthRate + growthRate x manureGrowthMultiplier)
lightGrowthMultiplier = 1.5, -- Growth effect of light (for example: growthRate + growthRate x lightGrowthMultiplier)
maxGrowthRate = 100, -- Maximum growth rate
growthRate = 50.3, -- What is the growth rate of the plant when it receives an update at this stage
plantPerWilting = 1.0, -- How many health will decrease if the plant is deprived of water or if it is not collected
consumptionTime = 1, -- How many minutes will the plant update (it will grow by consuming products such as water, light, and manure)
waterPerConsumption = 7.0, -- How much water will the plant consume when it is updated
manurePerConsumption = 3.5, -- How much manure will the plant consume when it is updated?
model = "bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b"
stage_3 = {
manureHit = 5.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much manure?
waterHit = 10.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much water?
waterPerConsumption = 7.0, -- How much water will the plant consume when it is updated
manurePerConsumption = 3.5, -- How much manure will the plant consume when it is updated?
plantPerWilting = 0.5, -- How many health will decrease if the plant is deprived of water or if it is not collected
model = "bkr_prop_weed_med_01b"
multiPool = {
onlyInterior = false, -- If true, the plant will only place in the interior
weedAmountMultiplier = 3, -- Multiplier of the amount the plant will give according to manure, light level and health (if 3, it can take a maximum of 45 buds)
waterPerAddition = 25.0, -- Amount of water the plant will add when you water it
manurePerAddition = 25.0, -- Amount of manure the plant will add when you manure it
seedOffsets = { -- position of the seeds in the pool (It is not recommended to change)
vector3(0.6, 0.6, -0.6),
vector3(0.6, -0.6, -0.6),
vector3(-0.6, 0.6, -0.6),
vector3(-0.6, -0.6, -0.6),
stage_0 = {
model = "qua_weed_planter_set",
stage_1 = {
manureHit = 20.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much manure?
waterHit = 25.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much water?
manureGrowthMultiplier = 2.0, -- Growth effect of manure (for example: growthRate + growthRate x manureGrowthMultiplier)
lightGrowthMultiplier = 1.5, -- Growth effect of light (for example: growthRate + growthRate x lightGrowthMultiplier)
growthRate = 67.4, -- What is the growth rate of the plant when it receives an update at this stage
maxGrowthRate = 50, -- Maximum growth rate
plantPerWilting = 1.5, -- How many health will decrease if the plant is deprived of water or if it is not collected
consumptionTime = 1, -- How many minutes will the plant update (it will grow by consuming products such as water, light, and manure)
waterPerConsumption = 7.0, -- How much water will the plant consume when it is updated
manurePerConsumption = 3.5, -- How much manure will the plant consume when it is updated?
model = "bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a",
stage_2 = {
manureHit = 10.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much manure?
waterHit = 15.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much water?
manureGrowthMultiplier = 2.0, -- Growth effect of manure (for example: growthRate + growthRate x manureGrowthMultiplier)
lightGrowthMultiplier = 1.5, -- Growth effect of light (for example: growthRate + growthRate x lightGrowthMultiplier)
maxGrowthRate = 100, -- Maximum growth rate
growthRate = 60.3, -- What is the growth rate of the plant when it receives an update at this stage
plantPerWilting = 1.0, -- How many health will decrease if the plant is deprived of water or if it is not collected
consumptionTime = 1, -- How many minutes will the plant update (it will grow by consuming products such as water, light, and manure)
waterPerConsumption = 7.0, -- How much water will the plant consume when it is updated
manurePerConsumption = 3.5, -- How much manure will the plant consume when it is updated?
model = "bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b"
stage_3 = {
manureHit = 5.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much manure?
waterHit = 10.0, -- How much damage will the plant suffer if you give too much water?
waterPerConsumption = 7.0, -- How much water will the plant consume when it is updated
manurePerConsumption = 3.5, -- How much manure will the plant consume when it is updated?
plantPerWilting = 0.5, -- How many health will decrease if the plant is deprived of water or if it is not collected
model = "bkr_prop_weed_med_01b"
blacklistZones = { -- vector4(x, y, z, radius)
--vector4(325.55, -209.97, 54.09, 30.0)
enableMask = true, -- if true, player will need to wear a gas mask to avoid toxic damage
maskTime = 3, -- (minutes) time it takes for the mask to break
maskId = 46, -- number of helmet you want to use as gas mask (default = 46)
explosionDamage = 25.0, -- damage dealt to player when the meth table explodes
toxicDamage = 5.0, -- damage dealt to player when they are in the toxic area
toxicDamageDistance = 10.0, -- distance from which toxic damage will be applied.
toxicCooldown = 5, -- (seconds) time it takes for the toxic damage to be applied again
uniqueOrder = true, -- If true, the amounts will be different for each user. If false, the amounts in the orderlist will be for each user.
uniqueOrderList = {
ammonia = 65, -- range -> 1 - 100
hcacid = 30, -- range -> 1 - 100
sacid = 10, -- range -> 1 - 100
orderTolerance = 5, -- tolerance for the order amounts
mixingAnimWait = 10, -- (seconds)
baseMixtureAmount = 1, -- number of items given upon completing the mixture. (final amount will depend on the quality.)
qualityMultiplier = 1.5, -- multiplier for the quality of the mixture. (final amount = baseMixtureAmount + ((quality / 20) * qualityMultiplier))
uniqueReaction = true, -- If true, the amounts will be different for each user. If false, the amounts in the reactionList will be for each user.
reactionList = {
phosphorus = 3, -- range -> 1 - 10
lithium = 1, -- range -> 1 - 10
cookAnimWait = 15, -- (seconds)
cookTime = 0.5, -- (minutes)
temperatureRange = {40, 80}, -- random temperature value will be assigned between these two values
temperatureTolerance = 7, -- tolerance for the temperature
temperatureAttempts = 3, -- number of attempts player has to get the correct temperature
crystalizeAnimWait = 15, -- (seconds)
distillationRange = {1, 5}, -- range -> 1 - 5
correctDiistillationQuality = 10, -- amount it will affect the quality if distilled correctly
distillationTime = 0.5, -- (minutes)
baseMethAmount = 10, -- minimum amount of meth to give to the player (final amount will depend on the quality)
requiredEmptyPack = 1, -- required empty pack to pack the meth
requiredCrystalAmount = 1, -- required crystal to pack the meth
packedMethAmount = 1, -- amount of meth given when packed
-- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
packMinigameName = "default",
mixMinigame = "default",
crystalizeMinigame = "default",
cookMinigame = "default",
plants = {
model = "h4_prop_tree_frangipani_med_01",
coords = vector3(1024.25, 4298.8, 38.95),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
model = "h4_prop_tree_frangipani_med_01",
coords = vector3(1030.44, 4304.8, 39.9),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
model = "h4_prop_tree_frangipani_med_01",
coords = vector3(1022.77, 4311.99, 40.21),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
model = "h4_prop_tree_frangipani_med_01",
coords = vector3(1026.35, 4321.65, 41.29),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
blacklistZones = { -- vector4(x, y, z, radius)
--vector4(325.55, -209.97, 54.09, 30.0)
collectAnimTime = 15, -- (seconds)
requiredOpiumAmount = 24,
uniqueOrder = true, -- If true, the amounts will be different for each user. If false, the amounts in the orderlist will be for each user.
uniqueOrderList = {
anhydride = 70, -- range -> 1 - 100
alchol = 10, -- range -> 1 - 100
acetone = 25, -- range -> 1 - 100
orderTolerance = 5, -- amount of tolerance in the mixture
initialPHLevelRange = {1, 10}, -- range -> 1 - 10
idealMinPH = 6.5, -- ideal min pH level of the mixture
idealMaxPH = 7.5, -- ideal max pH level of the mixture
acidEffect = 1.0, -- If acid needs to be added to the mixture, the amount it will affect the pH level
baseEffect = 0.5, -- If base needs to be added to the mixture, the amount it will affect the pH level
mixingAnimWait = 5, -- 5 sec
baseMixtureAmount = 1, -- number of items given upon completing the mixture. (final amount will depend on the quality.)
qualityMultiplier = 1.5, -- multiplier for the quality of the mixture. (final amount = baseMixtureAmount + ((quality / 20) * qualityMultiplier))
cauldronModel = "v_ret_fh_pot02",
campFireModel = "prop_beach_fire",
requiredCarbonAmount = 3,
cookTime = 1, -- (minutes)
coolingTime = 3, -- (minutes)
requiredPackAmount = 1, -- required empty pack to pack the heroin
requiredPileAmount = 1, -- required heroin pile to pack the coke
packHeroinAmount = 1, -- amount it will give after the packing process is completed
-- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
packMinigameName = "default",
cookingMinigame = "default",
mixMinigame = "default",
collectAnim = "default",
collectMinigame = "default",
plants = {
model = "h4_prop_bush_cocaplant_01",
coords = vector3(-2313.068, 2413.213, 1.415),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
model = "h4_prop_bush_cocaplant_01",
coords = vector3(-2321.92, 2412.25, 1.41),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
model = "h4_prop_bush_cocaplant_01",
coords = vector3(-2323.436, 2404.628, 1.540),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
model = "h4_prop_bush_cocaplant_01",
coords = vector3(-2316.500, 2399.566, 1.626),
time = 3, -- (minutes)
count = function()
return math.random(1, 3)
blacklistZones = { -- vector4(x, y, z, radius)
-- vector4(325.55, -209.97, 54.09, 30.0)
leafPileModel = "prop_plant_group_02",
cauldronModel = "v_ret_fh_pot02",
campFireModel = "prop_beach_fire",
tableModel = "bkr_prop_coke_table01a",
collectAnimTime = 15, -- (seconds)
leafConvertAmount = 24,
driedLeafAmount = 1,
cookTime = 1, -- (minutes)
brickAmount = 1, -- amount it will give after the cooking process is completed
pileConvertAmount = 24,
-- none | default | typingGame | timedLockpick | timedAction | quickTimeEvent | combinationLock | buttonMashing | angledLockpick | fingerPrint | hackerMinigame | safeCrack
convertPileMinigame = "default",
mixtureMinigame = "default",
packMinigameName = "default",
collectMinigame = "default",
requiredEmptyPack = 1, -- required empty pack to pack the coke
requiredCokePile = 1, -- required coke pile to pack the coke
packedCokeAmount = 1, -- amount it will give after the packing process is completed
Last updated