Weapon V: Realism

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Weapon V: Realism.


After you bought Weapon V: Realism, you will see those on your Keymaster page. Download these.


  • Open cfg.lua and change framework with your server framework. You can use Weapon V: Realism without framework. (standalone)

Config = {
    framework = {
        name = "ESX", -- Only ESX or QB or STANDALONE.
        scriptName = "es_extended", -- Framework script name work framework exports. (Example: qb-core or es_extended)
        eventName = "esx:getSharedObject", -- If your framework using trigger event for shared object, you can set in here.


  • After basic configures, add these line to your server.cfg.

  • Add the items.

ensure rm_weapon

OX Inventory

  • Replace the file below with the ox_inventory/client.lua file. If you are using Throw Everything, download the other file


  • If you did everything right you can now use the script.

Last updated