Spawn Selector

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Spawn Selector.


After you bought Spawn Selector, you will see those on your Keymaster page. Download these.

Configure (shared/cfg.lua)

  • You can easily add new spawn locations.

  • You can adjust location marker icon, color, background color and label.

  • You can adjust map, map background and logo images.

cfg = {
    ['logoURL'] = '',
    ['mapImageURL'] = '',
    ['mapMaskImageURL'] = '',
    ['mapBackgroundColor'] = '#707070',
    ['locations'] = {
            label = 'Pillbox Hospital',
            coords = vector4(357.43, -593.36, 28.79, 161.6),
            backgroundColor = '#84cc16',
            iconColor = '#0a0a0a',
            iconName = 'house-medical',
            label = 'Police Department',
            coords = vector4(428.23, -984.28, 29.76, 3.5),
            backgroundColor = '#2563eb',
            iconColor = '#0a0a0a',
            iconName = 'handcuffs',
            label = 'Legion Square',
            coords = vector4(195.17, -933.77, 29.7, 144.5),
            backgroundColor = '#5eead4',
            iconColor = '#0a0a0a',
            iconName = 'street-view',
            label = 'Paleto Bay',
            coords = vector4(80.35, 6424.12, 31.67, 45.5),
            backgroundColor = '#fbbf24',
            iconColor = '#0a0a0a',
            iconName = 'mountain-city',
            label = 'Motels',
            coords = vector4(327.56, -205.08, 54.08, 163.5),
            backgroundColor = '#ef4444',
            iconColor = '#0a0a0a',
            iconName = 'hotel',

    ['markerTypes'] = {
        ['last'] = {
            backgroundColor = '#ea580c',
            iconColor = '#0a0a0a',
            iconName = 'backward-fast', --
  • Open fxmanifest.lua and which mysql script you are using, remove it from the comment line.

server_scripts {
    -- '@oxmysql/lib/MySQL.lua',
    -- '@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua',


  • After basic configures, add these line to your server.cfg.

ensure rm_stream
ensure rm_spawnselector


  • If you did everything correct, when after character select or joining server you will see spawn selector screen.

Last updated