Illegal Corners: Selling Goods

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of **Illegal Corners**.


After you bought Illegal Corners, you will see those on your Keymaster page. Download these.


  • Open shared/cfg.lua and change framework with your server framework. You can use Illegal Corners without framework. (standalone) You can also change the settings for the default corner and selling options.

cfg = {
    ['framework'] = 'qb', -- qb / esx / standalone

    ['currency'] = '$',
    ['iconsPath'] = 'qb-inventory/html/images',           --change this example for ox: 'ox_inventory/web/images'
    ['dispatchJobList'] = { 'police', 'sheriff', 'fbi' }, --dispatch alert job list

    ['takeCornerCommand'] = 'takecorner',                 --take corner start/finish command
    ['sellKey'] = 'e',
    ['sellKeyDescription'] = '',                          --keybind description for settings
    ['cancelKey'] = 'g',
    ['cancelKeyDescription'] = '',                        --keybind description for settings
    ['moneyType'] = 'bank',                               --for qb framework cash or markedbills, for esx framework cash or black_money

    ['talkingTime'] = 1,                                  --seconds for talking
    ['sellChance'] = 75,                                  --percentage of chance will npc get any item (%)
    ['sellCooldown'] = 60000,                             --ms
    ['madChance'] = 30,                                   --%
    ['dispatchChance'] = 40,                              --%
    ['cornerDistance'] = 50.0,                            --minimum distance to start selling and walk away
  • For discord logs, you can edit webhook link in server.lua bottom.

discord = {
    ['webhook'] = '',
    ['name'] = 'rm_illegalcorners',
    ['image'] = ''


  • After basic configures, add these line to your server.cfg.

ensure rm_stream
ensure rm_illegalcorners

Last updated