Emoji V: Share Feelings

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of **Emoji V**.


After you bought Emoji V, you will see those on your Keymaster page. Download these.


  • Open shared/cfg.lua and change framework with your server framework. You can use Emoji V without framework. (standalone) You can also change the settings for the default emoji options, emoji style, cooldown, radius, etc.

cfg = {
    ['framework'] = 'esx', -- qb / esx / standalone
    ['emojiListCommand'] = 'emojis', -- command for open emoji list menu
    ['fastUseCommand'] = 'se', -- command for fast use example: /se rage
    ['defaultShortcuts'] = { '7', '8', '9', '0' }, -- default shortcut keys, can be change from keybinds settings
    ['shortcutDescription'] = 'Shows assigned emojis above the head',
    ['defaultEmoji'] = '😈',
    ['emojiExposureTime'] = 10000, -- emoji show time
    ['emojiStyle'] = 'apple', -- native, apple, facebook, twitter, google
    ['disableInVehicleUse'] = false, -- you can disable use emoji in vehicle
    ['emojiShowCooldown'] = 3000, -- emoji use cooldown
    ['emojiShowAreaRadius'] = 30.0, -- radius for where the emoji can appear
    ['emojiSizeScaleRate'] = 0.15,
    ['maxNumberOfEmojiSideBySide'] = 3, -- maximumu emoji number for one use
    ['emojiRenderHeight'] = 1.1,
  • Open fxmanifest.lua and which mysql script you are using, remove it from the comment line.

server_scripts {
    -- '@oxmysql/lib/MySQL.lua',
    -- '@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua',
  • For discord logs, you can edit webhook link in server.lua bottom.

discord = {
    ['webhook'] = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/879717545597337610/fN1sTgBA8FRHu4JdEjZ6wIHdYRkqkOWgbPgw3LmvsMBgt1TZOoxo1ixBeuA0y9YMIqEX',
    ['name'] = 'rm_emojiv',
    ['image'] = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/869260464775921675/dff6a13a5361bc520ef126991405caae.png?size=1024'


  • After basic configures, add these line to your server.cfg.

ensure rm_stream
ensure rm_emojiv

Last updated